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Can A Wireless Dog Fence Be An Alternative Of A Physical Fence?

Can A Wireless Dog Fence Be An Alternative Of A Physical Fence?

Did you decide to add a dog to your family, or are you perhaps moving to a new place? If yes, taking the necessary steps to make your home conducive and safe for your dog is important. If you don’t want your dog wandering off or getting unsupervised exposed to other animals, you should consider getting a fence installed.

Types of Dog Fences

Options for dog fences vary. The available types include physical fences, wireless fences, chain link fences, portable fences, virtual GPS fences, and indoor fences. In this article, the focus will be on physical fences and wireless fences.

Wireless Dog Fence

Installing a wireless dog fence involves the placement of a transmitter somewhere in the center of the property. An electric collar is then put around your dog’s neck, and the transmitter is turned on. This creates a signal that goes around the property, creating a containment circle that can be set and reset roundabout your home.

When your dog moves close to the boundary, a warning sound is emitted from the collar. If your dog ignores the sound and tries to cross the boundary, a little shock is sent through his body through the collar.


As opposed to physical fences, it is cheap to acquire, and its installation is easy. Installing takes at most three hours. It also doesn’t hinder your view, and it is portable.


Wireless fences may keep your dog in but can’t keep other animals and people out. It also makes for less privacy as the property is open for all to see.

Physical Dog Fence

Physical fences are a trusted means of keeping dogs from roaming. This traditional fencing method is also quite reliable. Tons of materials can be used to build a physical fence, and a few of the most common ones include; wood, metal, composite, and vinyl.


A physical fencing system provides enclosure and protection for your pet and other (visiting) pets. It doubles in keeping unwanted people and animals out. It also provides some privacy.


It is more expensive and requires some time, say a few days, to complete. If the right precautions are not taken while setting the fence up, your dog could dig up some dirt and get out or jump over the fence. It is also important to note that the fence wouldn’t be very useful if the gate is left open as this gives your dog room for escape.

Is a Wireless Dog Fence a Suitable Alternative for a Physical Fence? (390 words)

Fences are a great way to keep a dog safe while providing enough space for him to play and exercise. It creates an open yet safe environment for your dog’s activities.

A physical fence guarantees all this, but a wireless fence may fall short. This doesn’t mean wireless fences are bad. It just means physical fences may be more suitable. The reasons for this are explained in a few points below:

The wireless fence can be more suitable for dog owners in the US because of the flat lay of the land. As earlier mentioned, the terrain can be a challenge when installing a wireless fence, but not for those with a flat plot.

For dog owners residing in the UK, a wireless fence isn’t quite necessary as most houses are already physically fenced. Installing a wireless fence as a backup would only confuse and possibly hurt the dog.

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