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Cat Trac – Reduce Home Litter Tracking

Cat Trac – Reduce Home Litter Tracking

Cats dig in their litter and it gets stuck between their toes until it falls off after they exit the box. It usually takes a long distance for the litter to fall from cat paws – posing a problem for your home as it becomes tracked with litter. Cat Trac litter boxes catch the litter before the cat exits the box.

The Cat Trac litter box features a four foot long, tunneled walkway with thousands of small holes in the floor that allow excess litter to fall from paws as the cat circles the tunnel to leave the box. The Cat Trac design eliminates litter tracking better than other litter box designs that claim to do the same: the cat isn’t able to jump over the feature that is meant to stop litter tracking – because the perforated tunnel is attached to the box lid. Also, the attractive Cat Trac litter box comfortably accommodates average sized cats (21 ½  inches in diameter and 14 ½  inches tall) while most other anti-litter tracking boxes are strangely shaped for a cat’s needs, and uncomfortable.

The Cat Trac litter box has 3 main parts: the tunnel, the lid, and the box, which holds the litter. The tunnel is attached to the lid. This unique design causes your cat to exit the box by walking above the box in a circular tunnel that has a 4-foot long floor (the trac) with thousands of small holes. These holes allow the litter left on your cats feet to fall off, back into the box, before they step onto the floor of your home. The box is the perfect size for most cats: it is 21 ½ inches in diameter and 14 ½ inches tall, which provides your cat plenty of private space, while not taking up unnecessary room in your home, a win-win.

This means no more litter tracking, a more comfortable space for your cat to do its thing, and no more  frustration for you!

Litter tracking leaves your home with dirty, smelly floors that are hard to clean. Avoid filthy floors by using the Cat Trac litter box. This unique design features an enclosed, four foot long, tunneled walkway with thousands of small holes in the floor that allow excess litter to fall from paws as the cat circles the tunnel to leave the box.

Cat Trac litter boxes are attractive, comfortable, and work better than other litter-trapping designs. Enjoy the smooth, cylindrical design of Cat Trac – available in different colors. Most other litter boxes come in a bulky design, in a single color, and are too small to comfortably accommodate the average cat size (21 ½ inches in diameter and 14 ½ inches tall). Not only are humans satisfied  satta with the attractive and effective design that stops cats from jumping over the litter-catching surface, cats want to use the private, neat, and comfortable Cat Trac box

Cat owners often try different types of litter boxes to stop litter tracking and the designs don’t work: the cat jumps over the litter-catching surface or the litter box has some other similarly ineffective design. Litter tracking leaves a mess all over the house, and the owner has to clean it up. The Cat Trac litter box’s unique design features an enclosed, four foot long, tunneled walkway with thousands of small holes in the floor that allow excess litter to fall from paws as the cat circles the tunnel to leave the box.

With its cylindrical design in various colors, Cat Trac isn’t just attractive to humans; cats want to use Cat Trac because it comfortably accommodates the average cat size (21 ½ inch diameter and 14 ½ inch height) and offers privacy and cleanliness.

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